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Valentine's Day (Vegetarian) Dinner Menu

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After extensive research into the aphrodisiac qualities of vegetarian foods, The Vegetarian Society can recommend the following.Enjoy!

A classic in the aphrodisiac world. Whether boiled or steamed the asparagus is an effective stimulant. This erotic shaped vegetable is best, cooked and consumed whole. Part of the lily family, asparagus contains plenty of vitamin A and C. Consume over three consecutive days for the most powerful effect.

Associated with passion and fertility, their aroma is alleged to excite women and is therefore a common ingredient in creams and soaps. Almonds are delicious in cakes, biscuits, and pastries.

To the Aztecs this fruit was known as ahucatl, which means 'testicle', but it was left to the Spanish to spread the news of the avocado's stimulating powers. In the confessional Catholic priests forbade it to their parishioners.

As well as an erotic shape the banana has also been associated with erotic energy in the Tantric tradition. Legend has it that the serpent that tempted Eve hid in a bunch of bananas. Bananas are also rich in B vitamins believed to help manufacture sex hormones.

One of the undisputed kings of aphrodisiacs. Chocolate has been used to stoke the flames of passions all over the world. Its powers on the sexual appetite have led to a chocolate ban being imposed in some monasteries. Chocolate contains chemicals thought to effect neurotransmitters in the brain. Legendary bed hopper Casonova was a serious chocolate fanatic and always tucked into some before entering the boudoir.

Chilli (the hot pepper)
Powerful taste followed by a powerful aftermath! The chilli is fiery in more ways than one, watch out, the red ones are even more potent than the green. Chilli power helps stimulate the circulation and contains capsaicin, a substance known to induce a temporary high - be careful not to become addicted. Chilli is also a great source of vitamin C.

The humble celery has been used to treat a number of ailments including high blood pressure and has been found to contain a number of anti-cancer compounds. Its stimulating effects are well known in Sweden where the famous Swedish author Hagdahl described celery as 'straight forward arousing'. Crushed celery seeds are particularly potent and can be used in breads or for salad dressing. The Romans dedicated celery to Pluto their 'god of sex'.

This root vegetable was used extensively by early Middle Eastern royalty to aid seduction. The carrot is said to be particularly effect aphrodisiac for men. Originally from Afghanistan carrots are a great medicine and have been shown to be anti-cancerous, artery protecting and a great source of beta- carotene.

This erotic, fleshy fruit is said to act as a powerful sexual stimulant. Originally from Syria, it is one of the oldest known plants. Ritual copulation followed the arrival of the new fig crop in Ancient Greece and it is said to have been Cleopatra's favourite fruit. For the ancient Greeks the fig was one of the sacred foods associated with fertility and love. In some Southern European countries wedding guests throw figs (instead of rice) at the newly weds, as a sign of fertility.

Believed to have a powerful effect on the sexual glands, a folklore remedy for impotence recommends rubbing the male member with mustard. In the Middle Ages mustard paste was used as a stimulant and smeared over the body. The Bible describes it as 'the greatest amongst herbs'.

Pine Nuts
Many nuts are rich in zinc, a lack of which is said to cause impotence and infertility in men. Pine nuts especially have been used for centuries to make up love potions. The Roman poet Ovid (a vegetarian) in his work 'The Art of Love' selected 'the nuts that the sharp-leafed pine brings forth' as an effective and powerful aphrodisiac. Arabian scholars such as Galen recommended one hundred pine nuts, before going to bed. Nuts have also been found to be an effective brain food, due to a substance called boron that increases electrical activity in the brain.

Raspberry & Strawberries
Both raspberries and strawberries, combined with Champagne are regarded as powerful aphrodisiacs. Both invite love and are described in erotic literature as fruit nipples.

The Vegetarian Society can not be held responsible for the activities resulting from the consumption of these foods.

[via The Vegetarian Society]


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